Pro bono project

Serving undocumented minors in Nebraska who have been abused,
abandoned, or neglected and need access to state court proceedings.

Over the last 5 years, more than 2,000 undocumented minors have resettled in Nebraska seeking relief and a new lease on “the Good Life.”


Each of these minors have the opportunity to obtain immigration relief to keep them safe, but they need an attorney to represent them in state court in order to begin this new chapter safely and confidently.

Our Goal

The Pro Bono Project at Immigrant Legal Center + Refugee Empowerment Center seeks to recruit and match private, pro bono attorneys with children who have been abused, abandoned, and neglected. These children qualify for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and successful cases put them on the path to a safer, more protected life. This project serves our most vulnerable clients so are committed to the success of our pro bono volunteers as we share the responsibility of meeting the needs of these children.  

What you will gain from volunteering


A comprehensive guide to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Nebraska

One to One Mentorship with an experienced immigration attorney at ILC + REC

1 free CLE credit during your preparation for taking a case

Interpretation provided by in-house Spanish speakers or telephonic interpretation for other languages

A commitment of approximately 3 to 6 months

One case custody, dissolution, or guardianship case, preference for each case type taken into account

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